Earnings to be paid for like 2 weeks now (Edit : Received it)

Discussion started by Khatri3D

Does it delayed for someone else. There are some funds which are still in "to be paid" I think its more than 2 weeks now. Does anyone else facing this issue?

Edit : Just Recieved the Payment


Posted 12 days ago

It's ridiculous how every Wednesday someone inevitably has to turn on a panic mode and shout "where's my money?". Relax, the day doesn't even ended yet, eventually everyone will be paid, does it really matter if it happens an hour or a day later?

TazMan2000 wrote
At least that person edited the post saying the payment was received. Most people who have complained about not getting paid, haven't updated the forum.
Posted 11 days ago

Obviously for those people, reading the policy isn’t their strong suit. There is a 20 day waiting period for all sales. This hasn’t changed. It was like that previous to Hyperwallet.

TazMan2000 wrote
https://help.cgtrader.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015145117-I-just-sold-my-model-When-will-I-get-paid "Royalties become payable 20 days following the sale or successful completion of a 3D project. Payouts are issued on a weekly basis, every Wednesday. Royalties for Wildcat projects become payable on approval of the delivery."

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